Mar 10, 2015

Sean David Morton admits he's a fake

Or as close as we'll ever get to him admitting it...

Even a resounding decision issued by a judge is not enough to stop the Sean David Morton lunacy train from rolling on.  In reading this latest example of less than stellar legal prowess, Morton takes the court for a fairly bewildering ride claiming he and his co-defendant/wife "are pure and utter  fictions and a complete and total construction of the United States..."

Essentially, Morton got told since he failed to disclose a financial interest during his bankruptcy application that his bankruptcy was denied.  This includes an $11,533,382.18 discharge from a judgement against Morton for defrauding investors in what the SEC described as a "psychic scheme".

Morton's filing can be read here in all of its PDF glory.

One more thing, Morton claims he is penniless and homeless.  Funny, but the last time I checked social services weren't handing out season tickets to USC football games...

Mar 2, 2015

Rensdelsham UFO military vet gets UFO injury benefits

An interesting article on the Rendlesham UFO case and the VA's decision to grant military medical benefits to one of the soldiers present at that event.  If you don't know much about this case, I suggest reading Left at East Gate, written by firsthand witness Larry Warren and UFO researcher Peter Robbins.  My opinion is that Rendlesham is one of the best UFO cases out there.

Bunk Psychic Released from Prison