Lines were drawn between those cheering the coming disclosure, and those wanting more proof or outright calling it nonsense with many in the latter camp. A new generation of so-called UFO Young Guns had it all figured out, while claiming the so-called Old Guard UFO club was just bitter, even afraid of what disclosure would bring.
Online spats broke out. Some took the high road, others slung shit. Memes flew wildly. Some said "this is 100% real" while hedging their bets with "if I'm wrong" or "in my opinion". Hour upon hour was spent staring at the frenzy happening on UFO social media. I shook my head, others reveled in the UFO furor that I'd seen one too many times.
Online spats broke out. Some took the high road, others slung shit. Memes flew wildly. Some said "this is 100% real" while hedging their bets with "if I'm wrong" or "in my opinion". Hour upon hour was spent staring at the frenzy happening on UFO social media. I shook my head, others reveled in the UFO furor that I'd seen one too many times.
Here are a few quotes from those supporting or promoting the documents and/or the coming UFO disclosure as being legitimate.
"Haters? No. Ignorant as to what's about to happen? Yep."
"The documents are real, deal with it."
"The documents are real, deal with it."
"Bask in it my friend because it's all going to work out, and in the end you and everyone else will be vindicated."
"Looking forward to watching you eat shit when the truth comes out."
You might be lost right about here, so let me explain...
Last year, I wrote about Richard Dolan releasing some documents he called "the UFO leak of the century." The documents were alleged to have been notes taken by Dr. Eric Davis (left) recounting a meeting with a retired Navy Vice Admiral about UFOs and Special Access Programs (SAPs) where the Vice Admiral was allegedly denied access to secret UFO programs.
You can read the alleged Eric Davis notes here.
In June 2020, journalist Billy Cox contacted this retired Vice Admiral for comment on the notes. The former Vice Admiral denied the meeting ever took place, denied ever having met Davis and called the notes a work of "fiction."
I wrote the whole affair off as yet another piece of unproven UFO lore. After all, there wasn't any evidence aside from the notes and Davis had issued a "no comment" as to the authenticity of the notes and his involvement. People went wild over this no comment from Davis, calling it an admission disguised in a denial. Wink-wink. Did the meeting happen? Only Eric Davis and the retired Vice Admiral can say, neither are confirming it and there is no verifiable evidence showing the meeting ever took place.
Just over a month ago, I watched as Joe Murgia, better known online by his Twitter handle @UfoJoe11, began writing with fervor on his blog and on Twitter his claims that the Eric Davis notes were real. Murgia also promoted an alleged 1961 UFO crash retrieval government document as authentic while citing anonymous sources he claimed verified his info.
The alleged 1961 SNIE UFO crash retrieval document references the infamous Majestic Twelve (MJ-12) and had several typos while using a classification type not used in the 1961 time frame the document is alleged to be from. Then it was mentioned the document making the rounds was a re-typed copy. I found too many problems with the document to take it seriously.
Claims followed that the New York Times was going to feature all of this in a story proving the government has a secret UFO crash retrieval program along with recovered UFOs, that the documents were all real. Dr. Davis, a retired Navy Commander and other important figures would soon be on record. Vindication for UFO disclosure advocates was coming and hell was coming with it. Then I started seeing more than just claims, it was being presented as fact.
Soon enough there were live online panels, one lasting five hours in which the documents were discussed and people claimed to have seen this or that. There was another show with someone called "Mr. X" giving an impassioned speech about black budget UFO projects. When I say impassioned, I sincerely mean it. "Mr. X" was very articulate.
I saw all the disclosure believers high-fiving each other online, anyone questioning the legitimacy of these documents and the coming new world we'd face with UFO disclosure was the enemy. Books and special memberships were offered for sale.
I waited as weeks went by with no article. Someone claimed there was computer data from an e-mail that would be used to prove the Eric Davis notes as real. Assurances were made the big story was coming. Disclosure was still on track. I later saw wavering about the story possibly getting killed by editors and bad timing. Some led the charge for the UFO disclosure faithful saying it would happen and to stand firm. The new UFO rock gods were in the house and they were bringing the thunder.
Disclosure proponents were saying how foolish the naysayers would soon be looking. Some posted to save screen shots of those online being critical of the alleged Eric Davis notes, the claimed 1961 UFO document and the coming story from the New York Times. You see, the screen shots would be used to embarrass those who dared take a knee when the UFO disclosure anthem was being played. Those on the wrong side of history would be shamed.
You can read the alleged Eric Davis notes here.
In June 2020, journalist Billy Cox contacted this retired Vice Admiral for comment on the notes. The former Vice Admiral denied the meeting ever took place, denied ever having met Davis and called the notes a work of "fiction."
I wrote the whole affair off as yet another piece of unproven UFO lore. After all, there wasn't any evidence aside from the notes and Davis had issued a "no comment" as to the authenticity of the notes and his involvement. People went wild over this no comment from Davis, calling it an admission disguised in a denial. Wink-wink. Did the meeting happen? Only Eric Davis and the retired Vice Admiral can say, neither are confirming it and there is no verifiable evidence showing the meeting ever took place.
Just over a month ago, I watched as Joe Murgia, better known online by his Twitter handle @UfoJoe11, began writing with fervor on his blog and on Twitter his claims that the Eric Davis notes were real. Murgia also promoted an alleged 1961 UFO crash retrieval government document as authentic while citing anonymous sources he claimed verified his info.
The alleged 1961 SNIE UFO crash retrieval document references the infamous Majestic Twelve (MJ-12) and had several typos while using a classification type not used in the 1961 time frame the document is alleged to be from. Then it was mentioned the document making the rounds was a re-typed copy. I found too many problems with the document to take it seriously.
Claims followed that the New York Times was going to feature all of this in a story proving the government has a secret UFO crash retrieval program along with recovered UFOs, that the documents were all real. Dr. Davis, a retired Navy Commander and other important figures would soon be on record. Vindication for UFO disclosure advocates was coming and hell was coming with it. Then I started seeing more than just claims, it was being presented as fact.
Soon enough there were live online panels, one lasting five hours in which the documents were discussed and people claimed to have seen this or that. There was another show with someone called "Mr. X" giving an impassioned speech about black budget UFO projects. When I say impassioned, I sincerely mean it. "Mr. X" was very articulate.
I saw all the disclosure believers high-fiving each other online, anyone questioning the legitimacy of these documents and the coming new world we'd face with UFO disclosure was the enemy. Books and special memberships were offered for sale.
I waited as weeks went by with no article. Someone claimed there was computer data from an e-mail that would be used to prove the Eric Davis notes as real. Assurances were made the big story was coming. Disclosure was still on track. I later saw wavering about the story possibly getting killed by editors and bad timing. Some led the charge for the UFO disclosure faithful saying it would happen and to stand firm. The new UFO rock gods were in the house and they were bringing the thunder.
Disclosure proponents were saying how foolish the naysayers would soon be looking. Some posted to save screen shots of those online being critical of the alleged Eric Davis notes, the claimed 1961 UFO document and the coming story from the New York Times. You see, the screen shots would be used to embarrass those who dared take a knee when the UFO disclosure anthem was being played. Those on the wrong side of history would be shamed.
John Greenwald of The Black Vault seemed to express sincere concern, wondering if Murgia had succumbed to the madness that enveloped Paul Bennewitz. Before you smirk and roll your eyes at UFO disinformation, know that it is indeed real and I say that with an absolute straight face. Check out Greg Bishop's amazing book Project: Beta about UFO disinformation and the creation of the modern UFO myth that cost a man his sanity and eventually his life.
Had Murgia and others been the target of a UFO disinfo campaign? Was the New York Times story a ruse? Had the Vice Admiral mentioned in the Davis notes been part of some deceptive operation? I thought Richard Doty might've stayed up past his bedtime again. Had Murgia fallen too far down a rabbit hole of his own manifestation?
But then I couldn't believe it...it actually happened. The New York Times did indeed publish a story about UFOs and crash retrievals. UFO Twitter wept.
Dr. Eric Davis was quoted in the article about giving a classified briefing on UFO crash retrievals. Former Nevada senator Harry Reid, one of the people responsible for establishing the AATIP program, was quoted as saying the government was in possession of UFO craft and UFO debris. The New York Times was now the savior of UFO disclosure.
The article touched on the ATTIP program and the recent Senate Intelligence Committee bill put forth that includes formation of a UAP task force - the bill has passed the Senate and is now on its way to the House.
Had Murgia and others been the target of a UFO disinfo campaign? Was the New York Times story a ruse? Had the Vice Admiral mentioned in the Davis notes been part of some deceptive operation? I thought Richard Doty might've stayed up past his bedtime again. Had Murgia fallen too far down a rabbit hole of his own manifestation?
But then I couldn't believe it...it actually happened. The New York Times did indeed publish a story about UFOs and crash retrievals. UFO Twitter wept.

The article made it into the news cycle and other media outlets picked up on it.
I watched as the ripple effect was in motion and there was no stopping it now.
Would I get the answers to the weird shit I've seen and experienced? Would my personal opinions about it all be verified or would the disclosure favor those I've said were full of shit? Would the government disclose alien life or would they just have a small piece of something unknown and were just as baffled by all of it as the rest of us?
I voluntarily added my name to the roll call list of those doubting the veracity of MJ12 and the 1961 UFO document. Would I be left in the wake and shadow of history? My name lamented from the lips of the faithful asking for my soul to be saved? Would I be ostracized from the flow of disclosure information?
Had the long prophesied UFO disclosure finally happened?
Not even close. No. No government UFO disclosure today. Sorry. Come back later. Maybe.
No mention of the alleged Eric Davis notes. No high ranking Navy officers on record. No reality shattering revelations. Speculation? Certainly. Proof? Not so much and it just got worse.
Post-publishing corrections of the article happened and of all people to misquote, Harry Reid was the absolute wrong one to do that to. Reid issued a strong rebuke to the article's claim he said UFO craft and debris were being held by the government.
Other outlets picked up the story from the New York Times prior to them being aware of Reid's stance. Now I was being treated to misleading headlines claiming the Pentagon stated they had UFO craft and debris from another world. Podcaster and MMA color commentator Joe Rogan was spreading the Pentagon bit around as fact when it wasn't.
Reid made his point clear by using three, belittling words despised by most interested in the serious study of UFOs.
His point should be taken considering the low level of evidence, in many cases no evidence, UFO die-hards are willing to accept and promote. Reid echoed the sentiment I felt, that the evidentiary bar must be set high where the UFO topic is concerned.
Of course, this opened the flood gates for replies to Reid's Tweet. Joe Murgia urged Reid to look at all of the postings about the alleged Eric Davis notes Murgia had written.
Would I get the answers to the weird shit I've seen and experienced? Would my personal opinions about it all be verified or would the disclosure favor those I've said were full of shit? Would the government disclose alien life or would they just have a small piece of something unknown and were just as baffled by all of it as the rest of us?
I voluntarily added my name to the roll call list of those doubting the veracity of MJ12 and the 1961 UFO document. Would I be left in the wake and shadow of history? My name lamented from the lips of the faithful asking for my soul to be saved? Would I be ostracized from the flow of disclosure information?
Had the long prophesied UFO disclosure finally happened?
Not even close. No. No government UFO disclosure today. Sorry. Come back later. Maybe.
No mention of the alleged Eric Davis notes. No high ranking Navy officers on record. No reality shattering revelations. Speculation? Certainly. Proof? Not so much and it just got worse.
Post-publishing corrections of the article happened and of all people to misquote, Harry Reid was the absolute wrong one to do that to. Reid issued a strong rebuke to the article's claim he said UFO craft and debris were being held by the government.
Other outlets picked up the story from the New York Times prior to them being aware of Reid's stance. Now I was being treated to misleading headlines claiming the Pentagon stated they had UFO craft and debris from another world. Podcaster and MMA color commentator Joe Rogan was spreading the Pentagon bit around as fact when it wasn't.
Reid made his point clear by using three, belittling words despised by most interested in the serious study of UFOs.
His point should be taken considering the low level of evidence, in many cases no evidence, UFO die-hards are willing to accept and promote. Reid echoed the sentiment I felt, that the evidentiary bar must be set high where the UFO topic is concerned.
Of course, this opened the flood gates for replies to Reid's Tweet. Joe Murgia urged Reid to look at all of the postings about the alleged Eric Davis notes Murgia had written.
Reid made his stance clear and I seriously doubt he has time for some papers that have absolutely no evidence to prove any of their content, let alone that the meeting ever occurred.
With the UAP task force bill recently being passed by the Senate, can you imagine someone who is a serious believer in the so-called Eric Davis notes or anything with MJ-12 in the contents walking into some face-time with Senator Rubio. I can hear it now, "Well, Mr. Rubio, don't worry, I've got it all right here! No need for a task force. Just read my Twitter account and blog."
Those in political and military positions who might be able to help out, they need to be impressed with the best evidence available. This is not a situation where you want be short on evidence and try to dazzle them with bullshit and the weakest of circumstantial evidence.
I'm sure Reid is shaking his head at many of the comments made toward him or from the UFO conspiracy club making crazy claims. Reid still has influence in political realms and souring him, or others in similar positions to help, to the idea of UFOs because of a few coming off as fanatics is the last thing I want to see.
Parts of the UFO community have no thought as to the damage they might do to the highest of supporters for serious UFO/UAP investigation, and it certainly showed on Twitter with believers shitting on the New York Times and Reid. Some claiming they would cancel their subscription to the newspaper, likely none are actual subscribers.
Talk of Reid possibly having been influenced by the UFO gatekeepers to keep quiet and change his tune circulated.
Did Reid back pedal? Was he afraid what was claimed he originally said was too dangerous? Jitters? Had he actually been misquoted?
It certainly didn't take Richard Dolan long to jump on the bandwagon playing the silenced angle, that the New York Times may have sanitized the article.
This is the same Richard Dolan who said skeptics would have a hard time disproving the Eric Davis notes. Dolan said the same thing about the now infamous and highly embarrassing Roswell Slides fiasco.
Nobody has provided any proof of the meeting or the contents of the notes as being real. Proclamation does not equate to evidence no matter how hard Dolan thinks it does.
Some say the article had 1,000 words cut out of it. If that's the case, I'd love to see it all unedited.
Hopefully there's nothing preventing the independent release of what editors at the New York Times are alleged to have cut out. I understand an interview with both authors, Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumentahl, has taken place and I'm interesting in hearing what they have to say.
Kean and Blumenthal were not too fond of Murgia and his frantic pace of hyping this all up to more than it would ever become. Murgia has arguably been the staunchest of supporters of the alleged Eric Davis notes and suspect 1961 SNIE UFO document.
In response to Alejandro Rojas' view this would amount to nothing prior to the New York Times story dropping, Murgia wrote on Twitter, "We already KNOW the documents are real and the [New York Times] article is on its way. Crash retrievals and Wilson/Davis docs. Have you finally accepted it, [Alejdandro Rojas]? The inevitable is here!"
Yep, the inevitable certainly was here...the inevitable fiery crash of another UFO disclosure claim with no verifiable evidence to back it up. This seems to happen with frequency in the UFO crowd and I cringe when I see it coming.
Rumblings of UFO disclosure about to hit a breakthrough. The proof is right there if you just look...so some say.
In the aftermath of the fizzle, some supporting it said nobody takes them seriously. They should take a big step back and look at what they've been saying and promoting, and how it was being relayed. The word arrogant comes to mind.
My memory certainly won't be foggy. There was a lot of gun slinging online from those advocating disclosure and the notes would be revealed as legitimate. When you fire shots at people, you should expect that fire to be returned.
Naming the media outlet, some who would be quoted and the authors of the article doesn't amount to much considering the online frothing leading up to the article's release. I would have loved seeing actual evidence of these extraordinary claims, instead of the arrogant laced blathering I witnessed.
Giving free ammunition to debunkers, skeptics and others is, has been, and will always be the way of the UFO faithful. Making themselves and the topic very easy targets by not comprehending what evidence actually constitutes, or having a thought of how it might impact the subject. This segment of the UFO community really is its own worse enemy.
Murgia said he dreamed that his blog and YouTube audience would grow to the size of the Drudge Report when disclosure finally came. Call me cynical and I don't see that happening. Ever.
I've made plenty of mistakes and supported some bullshit I thought was real. #embarrassed I thought Roswell was the be-all-end-all. #notanymore I thought Jaime Maussan and Linda Moulton Howe were the real deal. #icantbelieveiteither #wtf #noyoudidnt #sorry

In 26 years of UFOs, roughly half my life, I've seen this same scenario play out the same way each time. A lot of this has been hack investigation from the start instead of a well planned, thorough investigation in which all the work is done then the results are released with verifiable facts and evidence.
Sadly, this is very unlikely the last time I will see another far hyped, frantic and foolish UFO disclosure claim. Oh, I'm quite sure I'll see more based on the history of this subject.
It didn't take long. Murgia says there's a book being written and it will be more explosive this time around. Infidels be damned.
With the UAP task force bill recently being passed by the Senate, can you imagine someone who is a serious believer in the so-called Eric Davis notes or anything with MJ-12 in the contents walking into some face-time with Senator Rubio. I can hear it now, "Well, Mr. Rubio, don't worry, I've got it all right here! No need for a task force. Just read my Twitter account and blog."
Those in political and military positions who might be able to help out, they need to be impressed with the best evidence available. This is not a situation where you want be short on evidence and try to dazzle them with bullshit and the weakest of circumstantial evidence.
I'm sure Reid is shaking his head at many of the comments made toward him or from the UFO conspiracy club making crazy claims. Reid still has influence in political realms and souring him, or others in similar positions to help, to the idea of UFOs because of a few coming off as fanatics is the last thing I want to see.
Parts of the UFO community have no thought as to the damage they might do to the highest of supporters for serious UFO/UAP investigation, and it certainly showed on Twitter with believers shitting on the New York Times and Reid. Some claiming they would cancel their subscription to the newspaper, likely none are actual subscribers.
Talk of Reid possibly having been influenced by the UFO gatekeepers to keep quiet and change his tune circulated.
Did Reid back pedal? Was he afraid what was claimed he originally said was too dangerous? Jitters? Had he actually been misquoted?
It certainly didn't take Richard Dolan long to jump on the bandwagon playing the silenced angle, that the New York Times may have sanitized the article.
This is the same Richard Dolan who said skeptics would have a hard time disproving the Eric Davis notes. Dolan said the same thing about the now infamous and highly embarrassing Roswell Slides fiasco.
"The documents are real, deal with it!"
--Richard Dolan on the so-called Eric Davis notes.
Nobody has provided any proof of the meeting or the contents of the notes as being real. Proclamation does not equate to evidence no matter how hard Dolan thinks it does.
Some say the article had 1,000 words cut out of it. If that's the case, I'd love to see it all unedited.
Correction to the above reply I posted via Twitter. It should read "reporters" and not "reports". The word "their" should be "there. Thanks for nothing, voice to text. |
Kean and Blumenthal were not too fond of Murgia and his frantic pace of hyping this all up to more than it would ever become. Murgia has arguably been the staunchest of supporters of the alleged Eric Davis notes and suspect 1961 SNIE UFO document.
In response to Alejandro Rojas' view this would amount to nothing prior to the New York Times story dropping, Murgia wrote on Twitter, "We already KNOW the documents are real and the [New York Times] article is on its way. Crash retrievals and Wilson/Davis docs. Have you finally accepted it, [Alejdandro Rojas]? The inevitable is here!"
Yep, the inevitable certainly was here...the inevitable fiery crash of another UFO disclosure claim with no verifiable evidence to back it up. This seems to happen with frequency in the UFO crowd and I cringe when I see it coming.
Rumblings of UFO disclosure about to hit a breakthrough. The proof is right there if you just look...so some say.
In the aftermath of the fizzle, some supporting it said nobody takes them seriously. They should take a big step back and look at what they've been saying and promoting, and how it was being relayed. The word arrogant comes to mind.
My memory certainly won't be foggy. There was a lot of gun slinging online from those advocating disclosure and the notes would be revealed as legitimate. When you fire shots at people, you should expect that fire to be returned.
Naming the media outlet, some who would be quoted and the authors of the article doesn't amount to much considering the online frothing leading up to the article's release. I would have loved seeing actual evidence of these extraordinary claims, instead of the arrogant laced blathering I witnessed.
Giving free ammunition to debunkers, skeptics and others is, has been, and will always be the way of the UFO faithful. Making themselves and the topic very easy targets by not comprehending what evidence actually constitutes, or having a thought of how it might impact the subject. This segment of the UFO community really is its own worse enemy.
Murgia said he dreamed that his blog and YouTube audience would grow to the size of the Drudge Report when disclosure finally came. Call me cynical and I don't see that happening. Ever.
I've made plenty of mistakes and supported some bullshit I thought was real. #embarrassed I thought Roswell was the be-all-end-all. #notanymore I thought Jaime Maussan and Linda Moulton Howe were the real deal. #icantbelieveiteither #wtf #noyoudidnt #sorry

In 26 years of UFOs, roughly half my life, I've seen this same scenario play out the same way each time. A lot of this has been hack investigation from the start instead of a well planned, thorough investigation in which all the work is done then the results are released with verifiable facts and evidence.
Sadly, this is very unlikely the last time I will see another far hyped, frantic and foolish UFO disclosure claim. Oh, I'm quite sure I'll see more based on the history of this subject.
It didn't take long. Murgia says there's a book being written and it will be more explosive this time around. Infidels be damned.
The myth of disclosure continues. New ufo rookies, and a few of the old guard, are too easily fooled with this spoon fed crap. You just fell for the oldest trick in the book, disinformation. Dummies.
Yes, UFO disclosure has supposedly happened for decades now with the same result. Do I discount the government having extensive UFO files and possible physical evidence of a classified nature? I do not discount that possibility at all. In fact I think it very plausible, and there is no solid or verifiable evidence of any intact UFO, UFO debris or alien bodies being in possession of the government.
The best evidence available is the only way to make any movement on this subject. Not conjecture, not proclamation, not opinion, not anonymous sources. Verifiable E-V-I-D-E-N-C-E. Proof.
This is where we run into the online cheerleaders of UFO disclosure posting memes, GIFs, emojis and the rest of it with zero thought as to how their actions and words might impact the bigger issue, or the fringe element image they project. Do all of them mean to come off like that? I don't think so, but many certainly do if we're being honest here.
I do hope the intelligence bill making its way to the House for vote isn't negatively impacted by the actions of UFO subculture who somehow think anything will be released because of a story or meme they post online. Getting 92 likes on your post isn't evidence. Getting more video viewers on your YouTube channel isn't evidence. Getting more followers on Twitter is also not evidence.
I'm glad to see the UFO subject still getting media attention, especially from large outlets, and I hope we see solid reporting with evidence.
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